Friday, May 22, 2020

The Edwardian Era Of Great Britain - 2623 Words

The Edwardian era of Great Britain was during the reign of King Edward VII, 1901 to 1910. This era was marked by the transformations of political views because parts of society that previously had no power, now became more politicized. The differing social classes divided people into sects that were not justified. The Edwardian era was sometimes remembered as a golden era by the people who reminisced about their past. It was also seen as the intermediate phase between the great Victorian era and the first world war. This led to Britain’s grasp onto the past. It is now clear how triumphant the Victorian era was, so the rich upper class of the Edwardian era was still trying to grasp on the past, while the lower and middle class were uncovering new ideas. The darkness of the era is highlighted by the upper class and parliament, both of which yearned for something that had expired. The Edwardian era was filled with confidence that British progression would continue. Expectations were set high after the Victorian era. the first world war was a disaster for the British as well as many other European countries; it fueled the disparity of social classes. One of the major problems of social class segregation in Britain was how it was understood. People believed that people were responsible for acquiring their own or their families fortune, and that poverty was caused by an individual’s family rather than being a problem of society. It was almost required for the man of the house toShow MoreRelatedVictorian and Edwardian Advertising 798 Words   |  3 Pagespainting. Later in 18th century, Victorian and Edwardian Britain left a big impact on the advertising industry, in where the advertising developed and increased dramatically ever since. The Victorian and Edwardian Britain reflected the social and economic changes in that era in term of the advertising meth od, the types of products advertised and the expansion of the advertising industry. 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