Friday, May 8, 2020

Gratitude and Relationship Satisfaction Essay - 1021 Words

Gratitude is omnipresent in society. People express gratitude in the form of gifts, favors, support and assistance. Empirical literature on the emotion has shown gratitude to promote feelings of contentment (Walker Pitts, 1998) hope, happiness, and pride (Overwalle, Mervielde, De Schuyter, 1995). However, what about relationship satisfaction? Specifically, can expressing gratitude verbally enhance perceived relationship satisfaction in close relationships? Gratitude has been referred to as â€Å"the moral memory of mankind,† and if suddenly eliminated, â€Å"society would break apart† (Simmel, 1950, p. 388). Vast literature on gratitude has defined and explored its contours, and extensive research documents main effects. Majority of†¦show more content†¦Specifically, researchers selected distinct variables, and investigated how perceptions of that variable changed in donors and recipients, after gratitude expression. In a 2010 investigation, Lambert et a l. concentrated on the variable of communal strength. After expressing gratitude to a partner, donors perceptions of communal strength in the relationship was reported higher than prior to expression. Studies also examined perceptions on physical health (Emmons McCullough, 2003), and life satisfaction after gratitude expression (Lambert, Fincham, Stillman, Dean, 2009). Although gratitude is commonly expressed in society, the degree of achievement of appreciation is often mistaken or overlooked. Research reports the act of gratitude to have worked successfully when an â€Å"interpersonal interaction† forms between the donor and recipient (Lazarus Lazarus, 1994). This occurs when recipients sense positive intentions from donors, and donors sense the needs of recipients. It is only after recipients truly appreciate the efforts made by donors, that the interpersonal interaction is strengthened, and a change in behavior is possible in both partners. If recipients are indiffe rent or not powerfully moved by the displayed acts of appreciation, the interpersonal interaction fails to form, or is weakened, and each partner remains fixed in his or her current psychological state. At this point, behaviorShow MoreRelatedThe World That Helps People Of All Backgrounds1451 Words   |  6 Pagesthrough gratitude. Gratitude has been regarded as universally valuable, tracing back to the beginning of time. Ever since the 1930s researchers have tried to measure how effectively gratitude helps people of all backgrounds (Bono, Emmons, McCullough, 2004). Cultures define gratitude based on the way they perceive it. Western society regards gratitude as something that is needed during certain times, while poorer societies might rely on gratitude to help them survive. 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