Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Science of Mind Review

The Science of Mind Review 1The Science of MindThe book, The Science of Mind, is structured with a multiple chapters each centred with lessonsfrom observation. The writer welcomes the reader to put his suggestions to the test and be witness topersonal observations. Given the length of the book and paper length limitations, a great deal of thewriter's chain of thought and suggestions maybe misrepresented.Lesson 1: Instinctive Man and Nature:à ¯Ã‚‚ · The writer, in this section attempts to trace man's history back to the "dim past" where a self-conscious man had not yet evolved and was only Instinctive.à ¯Ã‚‚ · Using an analogy of steam "evolving" from water and water being formed from steam toexplain, he convincingly states that if man has also evolved to an intelligent being, then he mustalso have unfolded/ evolved from a similar material/ entity - Intelligence; with all its attributes;self-choice, free will and of course creative abilities.à ¯Ã‚‚ · This Intelligence, he says, still operates in and out of man carrying out functions of the body,guiding man silently towards discoveries that seem to appear out of nowhere; fire, electricityand many other discoveries and inventions alike. As stated in the Bible; "created in God's image"man like "God/ Good" is evolving to his godlike abilities.Lesson 2: The Great Discoveryà ¯Ã‚‚ · Following the earlier set time line, Ernest Holmes then unveils the greatest discovery made bythen instinctive man - His mind. Man could then identify himself using the biblical words; "I AM"and could therefore think and thus make choices, plan and execute for his needs free of others.à ¯Ã‚‚ · Man then evolved from instinctive to self-conscious and had become an individual. From thatday on he had to work in conscious union with nature and her forces but...

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