Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Prepare a report for an employee in the hospitality industry sector Essay

Prepare a report for an employee in the hospitality industry sector analysing the impact of the London olympics 2012 on at least three policy areas in the manag - Essay Example This is a marathon effort but an excellent opportunity for the Human Resources department in UK. The role of the head of HR will have to be strategic and influential, and focused on delivery (Karen Dempsey). It is estimated that 12,000 new jobs will be created because of the development of the Olympic Park area (People 1st). The two main areas that will have an impact are the hospitality sector and the construction sector. Employment in the hospitality industry is growing at a rate faster than overall employment in the UK (People 1st). The hospitality sector has been behind the games bid but the shortage in this industry has always existed because it is either tough or underpaid for the British. Besides, the unemployment is very low (Encore Personnel) and with baby boomers retiring soon, there will be an increased gap between the demand and supply. Training for the skilled workforce has to start now to ensure smooth operations. In view of the above, the greatest challenge before the HR department will be recruitment of the skilled personnel, and retention and motivation of the existing personnel. The success of the Olympics depends entirely upon the skills and the commitment of the people involved. Hence, the three core areas where HR has to concentrate are recruitment and retention, motivation, learning and development. The hospitality sector comprises of hotels, providers of holiday accommodation, pubs and bars, restaurants and take away food outlets (Low pay Commission Report 2005). It is probably the world’s fastest growing, job-creating profession (Hospitality: As it is). The hospitality industry exhibits tremendous diversity both with respect to the types of jobs on offer and the workers required. (Migration: A Welcome Opportunity). There is a huge shortage in the hospitality sector and it is estimated that the industry will require 30000-35000 trained people by 2010 at the management and supervisory

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