Monday, December 23, 2019

African American History Essay - 2129 Words

African American History During my early years of school, I remember being taught white accomplishments and wondering if blacks and other people of color had made any significant contributions to todays world. I noticed that television consist of all white people. Throughout my research paper I hope to cover certain aspects of African American heritage. Aspects such as blacks making up the largest minority group in the United States, although Mexican-Americans are rapidly changing that. The contributions blacks have provided to our country are immeasurable. Unfortunately though rather than recognizing these contributions, white America would rather focus on oppressing and degrading these people. As a consequence American†¦show more content†¦Individuality was not stressed but rather the importance of the extended family. I believe that African Americans suffering through the hardships of slavery strengthened the idea of kinship even further. The unity of the African culture became strong due t o a series of trials and tribulations. The majority of the slaves were employed in agricultural areas in the South. By the mid-19th century, a large number of slaves worked in urban areas as well, and about 5% worked in more industrial occupations. The hours of the slave workers were long. The average life expectancy of African slaves was at least 12% lower than whit Americans in 1850 and the infant mortality rate was 25% higher for slaves. Oftentimes slave marriages and families dissolved due to separation. This concept is horrible when you take under consideration that family was the entire basis of African culture. Although frequent separation occurred slaves were very careful to pass on the surnames of their black family of origin to their children. Kinship again is an importance in African society. Although the first steps towards in improvements for African-American culture began in the North, social and economic conditions didnt improve much at all. The racial attitudes of whites were still obvious among the white society. Laws banning interracial marriage and voting among free blacks accompanied every northern state emancipation. These laws were supposedly designed toShow MoreRelatedAfrican Americans And African American History959 Words   |  4 PagesAs African Americans we need to know the history of our ancestors in order to make the next generation better. African Americans need to know the struggles and hardships that our ancestors had to go through that pave the way for my generation and the generations after me. It is important to know how our ancestors had to endure slavery. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why Death Is Better Than Life in Prison Free Essays

Life in prison. When you look at the death penalty system in action, you realize that the only purpose it serves is retribution or revenge, it is seriously (and intrinsically) flawed in application and that there is a serious and continuing risk of executing innocent people. And, it costs much more than life in prison. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Death Is Better Than Life in Prison? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Here are some facts about the death penalty system. While these refer to the system in the United States, similar things would apply to other nations as well. 130 people on death rows have been released with proof that they were wrongfully convicted. DNA, available in less than 10% of all homicides, can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people. If someone is convicted and later found innocent you can release him from prison, but not from the grave. The death penalty doesn’t prevent others from committing murder. No reliable study shows the death penalty deters others. Homicide rates are higher in states and regions that have it than in those that don’t. Life without parole, on the books in 48 states, also prevents reoffending. It means what it says, and spending 23 of 24 hours a day locked in a tiny cell is not a picnic. Life without parole costs less than the death penalty. The death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison, mostly because of the upfront costs of legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people. (upfront=before and during the initial trial) The death penalty isn’t reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn’t apply to people with money. When is the last time a wealthy person was on death row, let alone executed? Families of murder victims are not unanimous about the death penalty. However, even families who have supported the death penalty in principal have testified that the drawn-out death penalty process is painful for them and that life without parole is an appropriate alternative. Problems with speeding up the process. Over 50 of the innocent people released from death row had already served over a decade. Speed up the process and we will execute innocent people. Sources: Death Penalty Information Center, www. deathpenaltyinfo. org, for stats on executions, reports on costs, deterrence studies, links to FBI crime stats and links to testimony (at state legislatures) of victims’ family members. How to cite Why Death Is Better Than Life in Prison?, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Functional And Dysfunctional Conflict Commerce Essay Example For Students

Functional And Dysfunctional Conflict Commerce Essay Conflict is a dissension between one or more parties in the state of affairss that they faced. There have two types of struggle which is functional struggle to convey good benefit to the organisations and dysfunctional struggle is to convey disadvantages to the organisations between people. Therefore, degrees of struggle divided into four classs such as interpersonal struggles, intrapersonal struggle, intergroup struggle and interorganizational struggles. Alternatively, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument ( TKI ) is to decide the struggle issues in assorted methods to cooperative and non-cooperative state of affairss such as viing, avoiding, join forcesing, compromising, and suiting. Organizational alteration direction is to traveling the organisational alteration to another by supplying Kurt Lewin Modes of three procedures are unfreeze, alteration, and refreezing. Organizational civilization divided into Handy s four dimensions of organisational civilizations, are function civilization, undertaking civilization, power civilization, and individual civilization. However, there will besides discussion about the relationship of civilization and struggle and relationship of alteration and struggle to understand and larning more about the struggle impact with. Negotiations divided into two classs, are integrative dialogues and distributive dialogues. Outline1 1.0 Introduction2 2.0 Literature reappraisal3 2.1 Functional and dysfunctional struggle4 2.2 Degrees of struggle5 2.3 Thomas Kilmann Conflict manners6 2.4 Organizational Change direction7 2.5 Organizational Culture8 3.0 Discussion9 3.1 Relationship of civilization and struggle10 3.2 Relationship of alteration and struggle11 4.0 Negotiation12 5.0 Decision 1.0 Introduction Conflict is a dissension through which the parties involved perceive a menace to their demands, involvements or concerns. Conflict is between two or more parties in the state of affairss that they confronting with, such as different in thought and different in cognition of manner thought and misinterpretation. Negotiations can be known as treatment, is to confer with the issues with communicating. Negotiations are a method to decide the struggle when it occurred. Negotiation is two or more parties to decide the consequence of difference, addition cognition in result of discuss, apprehension, invent, originative, and measure the result when in the negotiate procedure. Culture occurs everyplace which includes single, household, friends, province and all around the universe. It can see as value, belief cognition, art, jurisprudence, ethical motives, usage, wont and behaviour which influence to everyone in the society. Culture is the full scope of erudite human behaviour forms through every person. 2.0 Literature reappraisal Largely, people besides do non like to alter their state of affairss which they ever need a great environment and freedom. However, the environment and cognition are ever altering continuously. So, these will act upon alteration in single and organisation which besides includes ability alteration and income alteration. When in a group or squad work together, there will be occur some different construct or acknowledge between squad members. As the consequence, these will struggles of result between them. Conflict is a procedure that one party believes that the other party will convey the negative impact to what first party concerned about. Conflict will happen when both parties are non systematically, incorporative, disunity between in societal entities. In the traditional position on struggle, the people take it as will harmful to them and must be avoided. This is caused by the parties in hapless communicating, deficiency of trust, or failure to be responsible to the demands of others. There are besides when the struggle occur in some conditions will included, such as overestimated their parent organisations and undervalue other organisations, distorted cognitive, and escalate the bad state of affairss. In the interactions position, people belief that struggle can convey good result and better public presentations from the societal entities. So, they can increase their cognition and acknowledge when they learn to populate with it. 2.1 Functional and dysfunctional struggle Functional struggle is people in an organisation or group may hold their public presentation which they can increase and advantages in issues. Functional struggle can take to enhances consciousness of issues which people willing to work outing the job and willing to listen to others sentiment. Dysfunctional struggle is people who in an organisation or group may hold lessenings or disadvantages in consequence of result they gain which they negotiate in the procedure. It consists of differences and dissensions of persons discourage to better company public presentations. 2.2 Degrees of struggle In this phase, there have four classs degrees of struggle, are intrapersonal struggle, interpersonal struggle, intergroup struggle and interorganizational struggle. Intrapersonal struggle is single struggle by oneself. The struggle can develop with ain ideas, thoughts, emotions, and values which considered in ain head. This struggle will happen when an single feel that he/she can non manage problem in the state of affairs, the behaviour of the individual will may anger and wound others people such as colleagues, friends, or household. The ground of struggle will happen when the individual confronting high-stressful of state of affairss. Interpersonal struggle occurs when two or more parties dissension with the different thought and different ends. When people in an organisations work together with making same undertaking, but they fail to portion the same position which they have different involvement or ends to make the undertaking, so the struggle will happen. The struggle will associate to the spouses, friends, household, and others. For illustration, John and Jack who are stay together in room which is roomies, but they are disgruntled each others because argue about to set box into the limited infinite of room. John does non desire to set into the room but Jack persist his sentiment which he think the box can suit into the room. As the consequence, the struggle will happen when two or more single different sentiment. In intrapersonal struggle, it will exists when one people want to accomplish two ends in a same times. For illustrations, Shawn wants to analyze concern direction. He wants to analyze attorney excessively. His parents allow him to analyze merely one topic. Shawn is doing struggles with himself in either analyze concern direction or attorney. In intergroup struggle, the struggle will happen among members of different groups. The struggles happen when a group of people is disagree with another group of members. Both groups are happen struggles due to different in group ends. For illustration, accounting section is disagrees with finance section due to fiscal job. The struggles occur. Interorganizational struggle occurs when two or more organisations clash. When organisations continuous expand their countries, so it may the struggle with other organisations. This struggle occurs by the ground of substantial struggle, emotional struggle and cultural struggle. For illustration, Amway vs Herbalive with two organisations are making direct gross revenues concern holding struggles with each others because panic of clients. A Good Man Is Hard To Find EssayIn the function civilization, every person have their ain places in the organisations to work in an environment. In this civilization, every person in the organisations should utilize suiting to others in order to work together and doing good relationship each others. This can decide the struggle such as misinterpretation, miscommunication, misrepresent, and so on. Every person must suit oneself and other people in organisations so they can every bit much as possible to take down the struggle with each others. In the undertaking civilization, the organisations are involved in extended research and development to make impermanent undertaking squads to run into their hereafter demands. In this civilization, they will utilize join forcesing to work together to decide the struggle and supply the result of their demands. Collaborating may convey the organisations civilization to work together by bettering their public presentation in the procedure of struggle such as motivated to accomplish the undertaking. By supplying communicating and integrating with other organisations, they may implement and measure the struggle together, so they can run into their hereafter demands. In the individual civilization, single must compromising to people in order to take down the struggle and doing more effectivity of public presentation to the organisations. If they do non desire to compromise together when confronting the struggle, so it may doing more serious and may non be handle the issues. So, in the individual of civilization, they must accommodate with other people in an organisations although there are non same in group, section, and constructions and so on. 3.2 Relationship of alteration and struggle From the alteration and struggle, unfreeze is to before alteration its organisations which is impact to whole organisation to follow and follow with. Due to the alteration of organisational, there will be occur struggle which related together. During alteration of the organisational, there will happen a batch of people who do non desire to alter by ground of they are satisfied with their state of affairs or place or the alteration may do useless for them or other ground. The grounds are besides people are unable to prepared and ready for alteration. Therefore, people will may disagreement with the alteration of organisational and may do to surrender due to dissatisfy with the new environment. In this phase, the struggle is really high due to most people oppose the new policy. Once the organisation has gone through the unfreeze phase, the effectual alteration can be begin to treat. In the procedure of alteration in the organisation, people begin to look for new ways to make things and back up the new way, but some people still may non be able to acknowledge the existent benefits of the alteration, so there will look struggle. The ground of struggle appear in the alteration of procedure because there have some people are still may non to the full understand the alterations as they occur and feel that they are non portion of the alteration. In this phase, the struggle is in in-between degree which by and large for some people who still dispute to end the alteration. After the alterations have been procedure completed, there will be refreezing phase. Refreezing is implemented which organisation is confronting in new environment. In this phase, people are accepted the alteration and work in new working environment which means they can understand and back up the alterations that company provided. In this phase, the struggle will be lower and lessening by ground of people accepted the alterations. 4.0 Negotiation Negotiations can be known as treatment, is to confer with the issues with communicating. A dialogue is a ways to decide the struggle when it occurred. There have different methods of dialogue which to decide the struggle job by supplying the solution and treatment about it. When treating into the dialogue, there have different manner to negociate between with the parties to parties. Win-win dialogues are besides known as integrative dialogues. Integrative dialogues are a method to confer with with one party and other parties which are both parties may make just via media and every bit intervention at the same state of affairss. The win-win dialogues are besides means both parties accepted with the understanding of dialogues with the efficaciously outcome together. In this procedure, both parties may derive same benefit and loss together which via media to each others. In this method, they can hold the same intervention which both parties feel that they have won in the dialogues, and at that place may decide the struggle together. This is a good benefit for both parties because the win-win dialogues may make good relationship after the treatment and besides may happen out the job to decide the issues. Win-lose dialogues are besides known as distributive dialogues. Distributive dialogues are one parties win in dialogue and the other parties lose in the dialogue. Win-lose dialogues will convey merely one party to accomplish the ends and the result, but the other parties may non be able to derive any benefit. In this procedure, win-lose dialogue carry out that the party who lose in the dialogue may larn the lesson and evaluate with the solution to be the best patterns in the public presentations. But, some parties unable to larn with it because they feel that they lose in the dialogue are loss their image, abashing, and so on. This besides may take to the lose parties decrease their morale and may non be motivated sometimes. As the decision, the integrative dialogues are better and efficaciously compare to the distributive dialogues which brings benefits to organisations. They may better their accomplishment, cognition, and best patterns of the public presentation when dialogue to the struggle. So, they can measure and implement the struggle and happen out the solution together by creates a good working relationship. 5.0 Decision As a decision, struggle may convey advantages and disadvantages to people while their utilizing their methods either to decide or amendss to the organisations. From my sentiment, struggle is better to utilizing in the organisation in order to measure and improves the people public presentations in best patterns. They can conflict with positive manner so they can negociate to happen out the issues and solution. Therefore, it besides can make relationship with globalisation which may confront into the struggles and dialogues. By supplying the communicating, they can increase their cognition and public presentations to accomplish their ends. It besides may larn from the different civilizations and procedure of alteration into the organisations through struggles and dialogues.